December 15, 2019:
Our favorite thing to do is watch our boys play soccer! Nathan's team, the Cougars, is full of friends, both on the field and parents on the sidelines, and we have such a great time watching them play season after season. Fall 2019 season = state champs two years in row!
December 17, 2019:
Ed napped most of yesterday to be ready for “Enchant” with the fam - we enjoyed this festive outing and watching the kids ice skate!
December 19, 2019 post by Ed:
Amazing surprise to open the door tonight to 25-30 friends caroling in our yard. Thank you to my Woodland Park Players peeps, friends, and neighbors, it meant so much to me. Special thanks to Linda and Beth for setting this up and my wife for keeping it a surprise. Love you all. #community
December 22, 2019:
We can be positive, hopeful, strong, grateful, and joyful, but it doesn't change the fact that every single thing we do, every single moment of the day, is so different than how life was before May 22, 2018, and there's a whole lot of grief in that. In the moments, the outings, the conversations, where we are trying our hardest to make it look and feel "normal", truth is that it never will be. Even when things are going as well as they can be... there are still moments where we stop and think, is this real, are we really going through this. #onedayatatime #cancersucks
December 25, 2019:
Merry Christmas from our family to yours. XO